画家 1980年 福島県出身
2008年 世界一周の一人旅へ。地球探検と共に気ままに絵を描きながら世界各国でさまざまな体験をする。帰国後旅の記憶を紡いだ作品を制作、発表。
2011年 東北大震災。生まれ故郷の福島で大きな災害を間近で体験し、命について再考する機会を経て全ての生命に祈りを込めて、宗教のない宗教画をコンセプトとした作品作りで自己の世界観を表現している。
紀元前1万5千年前、ヨーロッパのフランス南部で発見された人類最古の絵画「ラスコーの洞窟壁画(仏: Grotte de Lascaux BC20000)」
この体験に衝撃を受けシャーマニズムに関する文献(異次元の刻印 著:グラハムハンコック、アマゾンの呪術師 著:パブロアマリンゴ 等)を読んだところ、変性意識状態に達する物質は全ての生きとし生けるもの、つまり植物にも動物にもそして人間の体内にも存在する物質であることがわかった。
Painter 1980 Born in Fukushima, Japan
I was born to hearing impaired parents and grew up as a child of normal hearing people (coda).
My communication methods with my parents were sign language, writing on the palm of my hand, lip-reading, our original family language, and drawing.
Drawing as a verbal expression to fill in the gaps of ambiguous communication have existed as a method of communication since I was a child.
I have since taught myself to draw as one of my pleasures.
In the early 2000s, influenced by outdoor festivals and hippie culture, I became interested in backpacking trips.
In 2008, I went on a solo trip around the world, exploring the earth and experiencing various countries while painting pictures at my leisure. After returning to Japan,I created and exhibited works that weave together memories of my travels.
In 2011, I experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake in my hometown Fukushima, Japan, and after having an opportunity to reconsider life, I expresses my worldview by creating works based on the concept of religious painting without religion, with a prayer for all life.
Religious Paintings without Religion
The oldest known human painting, "The Cave Paintings of Lascaux (French: Grotte de Lascaux BC20,000)," was discovered in southern France in Europe 15,000 years ago.
Paintings were used as a form of expression before humans had words and letters.
The murals depict the world as perceived by ancient humans, who feared and respected the great power of nature and life.
Along with the animals, we can sense traces of primitive religion, animism, and shamanism, the belief that something similar to the human spirit exists in the natural world, and that this spirit is to be worshipped.
In Japan, the country of my birth, there has been an ancient belief in mountain worship and the belief that spirits and gods dwell in the trees and rocks in nature, which is connected to Japanese mythology.
It can be said that the Japanese are also a tribe with an underlying sense of aminism, which feels and respects the soul in nature and life.
Since the appearance of the earliest human art, human civilization has developed and evolved until today.
In the 21st century, with the development of the Internet, we have entered an era in which we can easily connect with information from all over the world, and while this has become more convenient, it has also left us perplexed.
This is because knowledge as information and facts based on experience are two different things.
In 2008, just before smartphones became the global norm, I set off on a round-the-world trip to explore and experience the world of today.
I came into contact with people, culture, history, art, religion, nature, and creatures from all over the world, and encountered various aspects of the world.
I was moved by the beauty and splendor of the world and the fact that we live here today as part of the dynamic life on earth, and I was also moved by the conflicts and environmental destruction caused by differences in racial and religious views.
Toward the end of this round-the-world trip, I met a shaman (*A shaman is a person who enters a trance state and communicates with supernatural beings (spirits, deities, spirits, spirits of the dead, etc.) of a tribe living in the Peruvian Amazon, and experienced a soul journey and altered consciousness. This experience impacted him and he became a Shaman.
This experience shocked him and he read literature on shamanism (Mark of Another Dimension by Graham Hancock, Amazonian Sorcerer by Pablo Amaringo, etc.) and found that the substances that reach the state of altered consciousness are those that exist in all living things: plants,
animals, and even in the human body. It is a substance that exists in all living things, in plants, animals, and even in the human body.
You have probably heard of near-death experiences, such as seeing the Sanzu River or seeing a field of flowers in brilliant colors at the moment of death.
We have come to the conclusion that this is the result of an explosion of matter in the body that accesses this altered state of consciousness. In other words, at the end of life, all life experiences this world.
It is the same experience for all life, transcending all races and religions.
Signposts to the afterlife can be found in the wall paintings of ancient Egyptian civilization, which describe the world beyond death.
If there is a source to which all life in the world belongs, where will our lives return to?
Based on the experiences I encountered during my round-the-world trip, I have been creating paintings with my philosophy of seeking religious paintings without religion, based on the concept of prayer for all life, and expressing the forms of life with his unique curves and use of color.
The curving forms of my paintings, which are based on my memories of visions of life that I glimpsed through the undulation of DNA, express the vibrations of life, and the use of extreme colors is a fragment of visions that invite us to a transformative consciousness.
The artist's dynamic painting style is self-taught outsider art, and as such, it is raw, self-original art that is the opposite of exemplary beauty.